

Ways Physical Therapy Can Aid in Pain Management


Physical therapy is a non-invasive discipline that helps individuals restore, maintain, or develop maximum physical function and body movement. Hence, it’s often recommended as an alternative treatment for chronic pain or injury. Client care with physical therapy not only treats pain but can also be a rehabilitation method for post-surgery and pre-surgery.

As a trusted provider of home care in Havertown, Pennsylvania, we will discuss how physical therapy can aid in pain management.

  • Exercise
    Physical therapy may include stretching, strengthening, and pain relief exercises. These exercises target areas where you feel pain, so you become stronger and more flexible. This may also entail working on your core muscles and other body parts to restore function.
  • Hands-On Therapy
    Physical therapists may utilize a hands-on approach to treating pain. From low back pain to carpal tunnel syndrome, hands-on or manual therapy effectively reduces pain and improves movement. Physical therapists may use joint and soft tissue mobilizations, dry needling, manipulation, and other techniques depending on the patient’s needs.
  • Patient Education
    Physical therapists will explain to patients why they are experiencing pain and how physical therapy can help. This increases understanding and sets realistic expectations about their treatment.
  • Continuity of Care
    Physical therapists can work directly with patients and assess how they respond to treatment. This also includes communicating with the patient’s care team, including their home health aide, to promote continuity of care.

Progressive Health, Inc. is a leading provider of high-quality home health care in Pennsylvania. To restore our patient’s health, we offer physical therapy services, which include pain management, post-surgery care, and more. Reach out to us to discuss your needs.

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